We've partnered with like-minded businesses to bring you more

Owners holding products of local businesses
The Mind Connection works hard to bring our clients trusted resources to further their mental, physical and emotional health goals. We believe in sharing other like-minded businesses who prioritize natural ways of healing and improving overall quality of life. Check back often as we add more partners to this page.
cabinent full of rowe casa organics
Rowe Casa Organics

The Mind Connection is excited to be a retailer for Rowe Casa Organics products! Rowe Casa Organics provides all-natural solutions to help your family thrive. We have a selection of 250+ products made with organic ingredients for personal care, sleep, hormones, wellness, baby, pets, household and more.

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BrainMD Supplements

BrainMD is supplement provider that is dedicated to helping people like you feel better with all natural, ethically sourced ingredients. From source to shelf, they extensively test and track every bottle, ensuring that you receive the absolute best.

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Brain MD supplement
PAL (Parents of addicted loved ones)

Parents with an adult or adolescent child dealing with substance use disorder involving either drugs or alcohol find hope and support through Parents of Addicted Loved Ones (PAL). Meetings are available all over the country, and lives are being changed every day. It’s not an easy journey, but you don’t have to go at it alone. Meetings at The Mind Connection on Wednesdays from 7-8:30 pm are always free to attend.

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Heartstone Wellness

Ynske Joppe with Heartstone Wellness promotes.physical relief from a traumatic experience. Learn to release physical and mental pain and stress through the practice of Yoga, MELT and Pilates in a small group or private setting.

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Yoga studio with relaxing atmosphere
Grace from Grace Counseling
Unbelievable Grace Counseling & Therapy

At Unbelievable Grace Counseling & Therapy, mental, emotional and spiritual well being matters. We will help you find JOY and HEALING so that you can manage life's difficult situations and live life with HOPE.

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Big Play In A Box

Big Play in a Box is a monthly Subscription Box geared for children 3-8 years old. It is curated by an experienced Pediatric Occupational Therapist. Our focus is encouraging interactive play through engaging toys and activities centered around a thoughtfully chosen children’s book. Your child will be delighted to read a book with their loved ones and then challenged by using multi developmental skills that are FUN!

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Big Play Box
Every Brain Matters logo
Every Brain Matters

Every Brain Matters is a community and a unifying alliance of organizations and individuals that educate about the dangers of marijuana and the drug culture expansion. The public has been deceived and misled regarding marijuana products and their effects, which has led to a public health crisis. We work together to bring about a cultural movement to promote optimal brain and environmental health.

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